About Us

Warsaw International Church is an inter-denominational congregation of the worldwide Christian community. It was the first English-language church to worship publicly in Warsaw after the fall of communism, and is located at 21B Miodowa Street, on the edge of Warsaw's Old Town.

Celebrating Diversity in Worship

We are truly international. At Sunday worship, you can expect to see a whole range of countries represented. As people from many different national and cultural traditions, our common language of worship is English, and we celebrate together the universal goodness of our God who revealed Himself in Jesus Christ.


Because the Church of Jesus Christ is bigger than any single denomination, we celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our members and participants. We rejoice in the gifts coming from those backgrounds and welcome everyone’s involvement! It is our prayer that, with your participation, Warsaw International Church will be a blessing to you as much as you will be to us.

Together we can be more faithful and whole in our lives as Christians living in community with one other.

Meet Pastor Harry

One of the best aspects of Warsaw International Church is the diverse set of backgrounds making up the congregation. We have members from around the world and anyone is very welcome to attend our services.

Harry Irrgang

THE Church Pastor

Born in 1951 in Birmingham, England to German parents who fled Poland during World War Two, Harry learned English at school and played the organ at the Polish Lutheran Church from age 12. He studied German and earned a Ph.D....

The Congregation


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Community and fellowship

At our church, we prioritize building supportive communities through regular gatherings and small group meetings. We believe this creates a sense of belonging and support for our members, as well as outreach and engagement with the broader community.

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Our mission at Warsaw International Church is to unite Christians of diverse backgrounds through English-language worship, fellowship, education, and community outreach. We welcome all to join us in worshipping Jesus Christ and building bridges across cultural divides. Together, we can make a difference in the world and honour God's call to love one another.

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Worship and devotion to God

We prioritize worshipping and serving God. Through prayer, scripture study, and communal worship, we seek to deepen our relationship with God and create a welcoming space for all who seek to hallow God's presence. Join us in worshipping the Lord and thereby honour God's call to love one another.

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Outreach and evangelism

We have been out on the streets of Warsaw, targeting any English speakers we can find, by engaging them in conversation about spiritual matters and handing out tracts. The tracts we distribute are special, because our worshippers themselves have written them, in the form of short testimonies.

Visit Us

New to Warsaw or a long-term resident? Searching for an English-speaking congregation? No matter who you are, we warmly welcome you to our worship service. Join us for a day or make Warsaw International Church your home away from home.